The Clare Hall Mathematical Association has three categories of members, as detailed in the Constitution and the Standing Orders.

Ordinary Members

Any member of our college Clare Hall can become an Ordinary Member of the CHMA at a cost of precisely £0. Clare Hall students who are registered to study mathematics or computer science are automatically given Ordinary Membership when they enrol at the College. Those studying other subjects just need to email or speak to anyone on the committee and ask to join the Association. After graduating and leaving the university, they can maintain their Ordinary Membership by an annual payment of £2; after doing this for three years, they will become permanent members of the CHMA.

Ordinary Members are invited to all Association sponsored events such as trips and talks, and are also welcome to join the weekly maths lunches in College. They are entitled to attend Annual General Meetings, where they can vote on each year’s committee and on changes to the constitution.

Associate Members

Any graduate member of Cambridge University who is not a member of Clare Hall, regardless of their field of study, can become an Associate Member of the CHMA at an annual cost of £2. Again they just need to email or speak to anyone on the committee, and make their £2 payment, in order to be granted membership.

Associate Members are invited to all Association sponsored events such as trips and talks.

Honorary Members

At the discretion of the committee, it is also possible to become an Honorary Member of the CHMA free of charge. This is usually reserved for individuals who significantly contributed to the Association and/or the College, senior academics, and other people whom the CHMA wishes to honour.